The Do’s & Don’t of Website Factories
For a few years now, the Worldwide Programs of Brands’ websites manufacturing and maintenance within international groups have been widespread. Indeed, the appeal for cost rationalization, content management facilitation (and brand image better alignment) and planned upgrades has been tempting and many have launched this initiative, having in mind to go fast and proceed with a minimum viable approach.
If these benefits can be made real and are based on a common sense approach, it remains that there are many gaps to avoid and steps to take to not end-up with the desired ambition exact opposite after a few years of operations. Considering our cumulated experience on these types of exercises, we want to share with you the pitfalls to avoid.
1. Think « forward »: chose solutions that are adapted to the brand ambition on the mid-run
2. Think « big »: the Website Factory architecture will have to evolve along with the site maturity (site nodes, URLs extensions, pages’ inheritance, write-over…)
3. Allocate the proper / adequate time for the program framing: governance set-up, resources’, brands and zones’ onboarding and Program action plan
4. Do not hesitate to have an audit performed by the editor’s Professional Services soon after the first deliveries to ensure adéquation and durability of the solution delivered
5. Think « engagement »: build early on the KPIs accounting and internal billing across entities to act against bad buzz and surprises (HQ / Brands / Countries / Zones)
1. Do not think in sillos: existing IT services (infrastucture, support….must be sollicited and rapidely involved in the discussions to avoid any pitfall around feasability or timeline
2. Do not put all the eggs in the same basket: find the right balance and ensure proper governance by staffing stakeholders from differentiated companies (Delivery, Governance, Maintenance)
3. Do not under-estimate internal communication and plan for an evangelization towards various levels of management committees and multiply introductions/ onboardings to ensure proper appropriation and identification
4. Do not anticipate Demand Management: critical to the success of the Website Factory itself, the prioritization of needs must be clear and shared by all to avoid any frustration and allow the rollout of new markets while managing the product roadmap for live countries
5. Do not minimize the necessary efforts from the various involved teams and stakeholders : transparency is the basis for efficiency
With its multiple experiences within large international groups, Adone Conseil offers a real expertise and the necessary distance to apprehend, structure and lead the change linked to these ambitious projects.
Adone Conseil accompanies you on all your e-commerce projects.